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A Few of Our Favorite Reviews...
For a first time author, Nancy Quinn shows a polished, refined style that is reminiscent of Steinbeck, coupled with a sense of humor that matches Thurber. Her vignettes are similar to the short stories of James Herriot, but set in the modern west and told in chronological sequence. It is the rare sort of book that is easily understandable and capable of being read straight through, or one chapter at a time over series of weeks, without ever losing a sense of place and events. The clarity of writing alone makes it an enjoyable read, with the stories being the icing on the cake. Her second book, "STAY WEST, YOUNG WOMAN!" is even better.
Just finished Nancy Quinn's 3rd book: Still West of Nowhere ! Nancy's fetching style of making adventure jump from the pages, intensifies as she continues to put heart and soul into her writing ! So much of life and living in the modern West and yet the ''Old West'' is still ever present, still there, to challenge and make or break you. Now DO NOT jump ahead and read the ending ! Chapter 66 was my favorite, but is best understood ''in context'' with having read all three of her books. Go West Young Woman and Stay West Young Woman, also. Painting with words ??? 66 so enlightens us readers with the inner life of Nancy and husband, Bill. A love story, if you will, emotions and the tenderness of their mountain top surroundings, verbalized as this awesome husband and wife team reflect on their world. Chapter 67, the last chapter, Asks questions that only time will answer. I fear that this may be only a three book series ~ but I was left hungering for more !!!!!
-David Donavan
Nancy Quinn captured my heart! I felt as if I were in the pages of the book, reading her words and experiencing her emotions as she told her story. Her family, friends and animals became my friends. She faced many challenges and learned to become a ranch owner leaving the city behind. Nancy inspired me to draw and paint pictures of her life in Montana, handling weather from snow storms to mud slides. I felt the chill of the cold, the damp of the rain, the sun on my face and the stars in the skies. She writes of her family and I felt like I belonged to her pack. I look forward to reading her next book.
-Margaret McNicholas
"Engaging chronicle of a family retiring from military life to move to rural Montana and brave the extreme weather and live a "Mountain life". This is a wonderful recounting, humorous and warm, filled with anecdotes of the challenges and hardships, yet peppered with heartwarming stories of adapting to the new environment. Nancy Quinn writes her stories as if you are sitting together and with a clever voice she draws a clear picture of everyday life. This is real life, not legendary, but the rich record of a unique experience, celebrating what a family can accomplish together."
-Carole P. Roman
"The old west is not dead and the role of the modern American woman is bigger than it has ever been. This isn't the story of some angry loner or embittered ex-wife looking for a new life. It is the story of perfectly well balanced family woman who left the confines of the big city for the beauty and occasional adventure of living in the heart of America's remaining frontier. Sure, they have Walmarts and McDonalds but they also have mountain lions and bears. They drive trucks but also ride horses, they have electricity and running water but sometimes have to shoulder a rifle to walk outside. It is an interesting blend of the old world wildness along with most of the modern comforts to which we have all become accustomed. This is where the internet ends and the real world begins."
-Max Kohnke
"Montana and its people get under your skin. Having moved to Montana in an earlier life, I thought I might enjoy this woman's story of her family's escape to a most special place, and I did. She does a very good job of introducing one to the different characters and points of view of the Montana culture. She is not at all condescending, which can happen when folks move from the big city to the country. I love how she enjoys the people and is learning to enjoy the weather. It takes a lot of courage to move far away from family and friends and make a new life in a place where the isolation, let alone the weather, can be such a challenge. The surprise I found in the book was how much there is to know about horses. And this from me, a woman who married and lived on a ranch with lots of horses in yet another lifetime. I wish I had known more about them. Learning that Quinn is an artist, I checked her website and her youtube videos. I think combining the book with the videos gave me a better picture of her personality. I look forward to hearing more of her story!"
a.holt -Amazon Customer
"What initially drew me into Nancy's story was her voice - gentle and honest. What kept me reading was her ability to reach her audience. While she writes of her account of a move out West, she writes with a familiarity that resonated with me, and I believe that can resonate to any reader. The deeper meaning represents life change - something we have all gone through. Nancy depicts this in the most honest and genuine way that can be so greatly appreciated and relative to one's own life. Great read!"
-Amazon Customer
"Reading Ms. Quinn’s book is a real treat. She obviously has an artistic view and certainly paints a vivid picture of the gorgeous Montana outdoors. It is packed with many funny moments to lighten up the difficult challenges she faces with her family in their new and different life. The best part? Her love for her daughters shines through. Her recipes are a wonderful way to conclude the book and sound delicious!"
"Nancy Quinn has an easy to read, almost conversational, anecdotal style of writing that makes it seem as if you are sitting down with her over a cup of coffee, listening to the latest adventures of her family, dogs, horses, or the numerous animal visitors that frequent their mountain property. Written with warmth and humor, you will find yourself moving effortlessly from chapter to chapter as Nancy, her husband, Bill, and their two daughters face one new challenge and adventure after another; and when you are finished, you will wonder, right along with me, how long will it be before the next book comes out!
Nancy has a background in conservation law enforcement, and has spent many hours in wildlife rehabilitation. This gives her a perspective into wildlife that helps to inform her writing. But not only is she a gifted writer, she is an award winning, internationally known wildlife artist.
Whether you are reading her book or enjoying her art, you will have made a friend in Nancy Quinn; and you will have experienced what so many of our pioneers and early adventurers have experienced – a love, admiration, and respect of the American west that still lives on today."
-Michael R. Ritt
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